Pilot's license night canceled

Published : 10/30/2020 19:06:20
Categories : The MosAiles association

Pilot's license night canceled

The annual New Pilot's License Evening has been canceled for the first time since its creation in 1999.

It's the covid fault but not only.

  1. For each registered candidate, the Ligue Grand Est de Vol Libre (association bringing together all the clubs of the Grand Est) asks us to pay him 20 € but is unable to establish an invoice in due form for our accounts.
  2. She pledged to donate € 10 per candidate to our club, but since we organized this certificate, no sum has ever been paid to us.

We asked the LGEVL to pay us the amounts due since the creation of the pilot's license evening which formalizes ten pilots each year but no news since.

We apologize for this setback, hoping that this situation will improve for 2021 and that it will allow us to organize our new pilot's license evenings again.