Ecole ULM labellelisée par la FFPLUM

Logo du groupe mosailes


Fédéral ULM accreditation


The federal certification process is to offer those who want a recognition based on the training they deliver.


The FFPLUM establishes labels to recognize and promote the quality of services offered by the affiliated associations or groups approved by the FFPLUM. These labels are intended to promote the quality of services offered to different types of audiences welcomed in affiliated structures or approve. They aim to control and develop the quality of these services and allow them access to the largest number in the promotion of this quality.

Commitment MosAiles structure

The duly authorized representative of the group MosAiles authorized, committed by signing compliance with the specifications defined by the obligations described in the article below. It commits
in addition to its responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in the activity and record label applications.

Obligations of labeled structures FFPLUM

Structures that have obtained the label FFPLUM undertakes the following general obligations.

1 - Obligation related to the quality of services:

  • comply with the standards and specifications for each label.


2 - Obligation related to the promotion of labels:

  • Contribute to the promotion of local labels,
  • Use the graphical charters recommended by the FFPLUM,
  • Permission of FFPLUM for any promotion, brand, or logo affixed to commerciale origine partnership or near federal labels.


3 - Obligations relating to the operation of the network:

  • Respond in a timely manner to inquiries and other requests from the FFPLUM and its decentralized bodies as appropriate,
  • Welcome visitors designated by the FFPLUM or decentralized bodies to audit and / or advising structures labeled,
  • Participate in specific regional network commissions considered


MosAiles structure:

It is the first paramotor structure, labeled by FFPLUM.