Paragliding prohibits in Algrange at the end of 2017

Published : 04/1/2017 00:00:00
Categories : The MosAiles association

Paragliding prohibits in Algrange at the end of 2017

A plan of urbanism in disfavour of the paraglider

In its urban development plan, the Community of Communes of Val de Fensch decided to prohibit the practice of paragliding on the Witten hill at the end of 2017.
Indeed, the place has been chosen to establish a high-end retirement home that should see the light of day in 2018.

Work begins in September

The works will begin in September, leaving the paragliders a few months to enjoy themselves.


We will never repeat it enough: the sites of practices of the paragliding are fragile and in eternal reprieve.
It is up to us, paraglider pilot, to do everything in our power to keep them or to create new ones.

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